LibAVG Appstarter

The Appstarter is an interactive touch tabletop application written in LibAVG. It serves as an entry point to other applications that use LibAVG or the TUIO protocol (e.g. flash applications). The Appstarter is designed to present the integrated applications in a public place like a museum or a foyer and therefore has a simple front-end that displays available applications and allows to browse, start and stop them. In addition, it also offers an interface for administrative purposes that allows to add, delete, configure and organize the available applications.
- Michael Mauderer
- Martin Weigel
- Frederic Kerber
- Pascal Lessel
My Contribution to the Project
- co-development of the game in Python and libavg
- co-design and evaluation of a user study that observed people using the application and lead to refinements and improvements of the UI