Senior Software Engineer & Researcher

About me

I am Michael Mauderer. I am a Senior Software Engineer and work at the intersection of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction and perceptual psychology.

I build interactive systems and tools that optimise how people perceive information. My past work includes projects around interactive tabletops, augmented and virtual reality, real-time eye-tracking systems (gaze-contingent displays), colour science, as well as automotive interfaces.

I hold a PhD from St Andrews University (Scotland, UK) and an MSc/BSc from Saarland University (Germany), both in Computer Science with a side dash of perceptual and cognitive psychology. My previous employers include the Cognitive Psychology Unit at Saarland University, the German Center for Artificial Intelligence, the St Andrews HCI Research Group (SACHI), Microsoft Research (Redmond), the Digitally Augmented Perception Lab at the University of Dundee (DAPRLAB), as well as Spatial Flow and Zedaxis. I have collaborated with Epic, Texas Instruments and BAE Systems.

What I Do

Software Development

I have been developing software since 2012, with my main languages being Python, Rust, Java, and C/C++. Throughout my career, I have developed a wide variety of applications ranging from web-apps (front and back-end), android applications, games for multi-touch devices, interactive eye-tracking systems and psychological experiments, to name a few.

My current focus is on computer graphics, computer visions and signal processing.


I am a Honorary Research Fellow of the human-computer interaction research group at the University of St Andrews. There I consult on research projects in the the area of computer graphics, haptics and perceptual psychology.

My past research focused on interactive (eye-tracking) systems and visual perception. My Ph.D. thesis was on perceptual gaze-continent displays: systems that use real-time eye-tracking to augment an observer's perception, to help them perceive additional information, e.g., depth, or more information, e.g., higher dynamic range of colours.

I was also involved in other projects around visual perception and online gaming. For a full list of my publications (see the research section) of this website or my Google scholar profile.

Open Source Software

I have been involved in a number of open source projects, and regularly make some of my own code public. My most notable contribution to OSS software is through my involvement in colour, a Python colour science library.

I also maintain a number of smaller projects, like older student projects or some of my utility libraries, which can be found on my github profile.


I enjoy spending my free time hiking and photographing. Since most of my photography happens while I’m exploring the outdoors, that is what you will see in most of my images. From time to time, however, a few arranged still lives and urban abstracts tend to sneak into my collection.

More of my photography can be seen on my dedicated photo website.